

Everything is tested using Python unittest, thats runs the C code under the hood. Note that onnx provides data for testing a backend implementation. Have a look to https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/docs/OnnxBackendTest.md and https://github.com/onnx/onnx/tree/master/onnx/backend/test/data/node. In this link you will find sets of inputs/outputs + a model.onnx that allows to test both an individual operator or a whole model, hence we divide two different types of tests:

  • Operator Tests: Tests an individual operator. Lets see a simple example. We want to test the operator Sum over a one dimension array. So we provide a set of two inputs X1 = [1 1] and X2 = [2 2] and an expected output O = [3 3]. We also provides a model with just one two inputs an a node which operator is Sum. All these inputs/outputs
  • Model Tests: Runs inference using a model. As an example we can use MNIST model (a digit recognition library). The input is an image with a written digit and the output is an int [0-9]. This type of tests run several operators.

Operator Tests

You can run all operator tests with the following command. This command just uses tests/test_operators.py script under the hood.

make test_operators

You can run a single test as follows:

python3 tests/test_operators.py TestOperators.test_relu

Model Tests

Different end to end models are implemented and tested, and you can run them all with the following command (make sure you can compiled before make all). Note that this uses tests/test_models.py under the hood.

make test_models

You can also run a single model with the following command:

python3 tests/test_models.py TestModels.test_mnist

Debugging tools

If you are implementing a new model but you can get the end to end test cases to pass, you might want to use some of the tools that we have. Using the CLI, you can provide the option --dump-file. This will dump all the intermediate outputs to a file, that you can use later on to compare against the expected values.

The dump.txt file will look something like this.


So in this file you have all the data that cONNXr has calculated for every node. Now you can compare this against the expected outputs of that model. For this purpose, we have scripts/assert_nodes.py. This script gets the output tensor that cONNXr calculated, and compares it against the one calculated by the official ONNX backend. This is a great tool if you want to find the node that is causing problems. This script will point to the node that is not matching the expected values.

Note that this feature is under development.

Example how to dump data

build/connxr test/mobilenetv2-1.0/mobilenetv2-1.0.onnx test/mobilenetv2-1.0/test_data_set_0/input_0.pb --dump-file

Example how to use the Python script:


python3 scripts/assert_nodes.py